The Argon Adventures series is a Steampunk genre of books whose heart lies in adventure. I love to add elements of fantasy, science fiction/fact, action, and a dash of romance to keep the plot moving and the characters dynamic.

Tesla's Revenge
So you think you know Wendy Darling, the innocent little girl abducted by Peter Pan in the Neverland series? Think again. This is the year 2232 where the bleak Republic of America is governed by President Patton Edison, due to his birthright rather than any fair election, and Wendy is immortal, thanks to Peter's magically imbued elixir.
Reluctantly partnered with a Mr. Grey, a Hemomage, they investigate a zombie outbreak in Westington. The outbreak coincides with a shaker that almost leveled the city. More perplexing is the suitcase found in the area. Within it is an alternate current apparatus. Since this polluted world thrives on coal and steam of Thomas Edison's direct current monopoly, who does the suitcase belong to and what does it do?
Working together, they uncover a devious government conspiracy to use positrons that are emitted by a shaker machine to create a portal into a parallel plane. With the help of Nikola Tesla they set out to save the Republic from the certain doom that was personally crafted by President Edison.
This is first in the series.

The Cthulhu Crisis
This is book two in the series.
Wendy Darling knew she shouldn’t have done it, but she did it anyway.
However, she can't worry about the two Winter Fairies she has assassinated, because she has bigger fish to fry. It will take the help of her talented Hemomage partner, a vain Summoner, a Native medicinal and a mad scientist who has created a quantum device he calls the Entangulator to find and trap the Cthulhu, an ancient malevolence of Lovecraftian lore.
As the clock ticks down to the new presidential election, the Cthulhu roams the swamps of the Louisianan Territory looking for tasty morsels to eat. It has its sights set for Wendy, the Presidency, and the world, in that order.
This is book two in the series.

The Fall of Neverland
The Cthulhu is running rampant in Neverland, Dorian has been missing for weeks, and Wendy’s time is ticking down until Peter finally gets his hands on her again. Things are looking dire even to her. She is going to have to count on the help of her friends, an extraordinary Summoner, a pompous sea captain, several Gnomes, and an Agora Butcher armed with dastardly devices, to not only help her rescue Dorian, but also to possibly liberate herself. Only one thing is certain, Neverland’s time is up with or without Wendy’s approval.
This is book three in the series.

The First Law
Someone going by the name of the Iconoclast is crippling Britannia’s electrical grid and claiming key political assassinations. The criminal population of the Dark Continent, consisting mostly of Necromancer and Whisperer recidivists, is revolting. There have also been massive gravitational disturbances coming from the bottom of the world, and to make matters worse, some of Neverland’s creatures are breaking free, wreaking havoc in our world. It is all up to Wendy and her Hemomage partner to find the common thread between these events before Britannia falls. But when they do, will they be powerful enough to stop who is behind them?
This is book four in the Argon Adventures series.

Everyone who had a lick of sense evacuated weeks ago, seeking refuge in foreign lands. The only ones left behind are the bottom feeders, the destitute, and the Lost Boys gangs. With the collapse of the Royal Agora, Buckingham Palace, and Parliament, life in Britannia is looking dire indeed. Wendy knows she and her friends are the only ones left who have any hope in stopping Peter’s maniacal plans.
Wendy refuses to watch her beloved world crumble into dust and rust. She knows that the only way to save it and Neverland will require a true death. But whose will it be? Wendy’s or Peter’s?
This is book 5 in the Argon Adventures Series

The Summoner's Sigil
Bayou princess Basil Beckenbauer just wants to return home to the Louisiana Territory for a little rest and relaxation after saving the world, but the world has other plans for her.
Colin Townsend has been sent to investigate demon possessions in Assumption Parish, but he needs the skills of a powerful Summoner to do so, and Basil just happens to be the most powerful Summoner of her generation.
Together they will discover that there is more in the boggy swamps than draugs, demons, and the dead. Could a future together await them too?
This is a stand alone book set in the world of Argon Adventures.

Author of the
Argon Adventures
Renee Sebastian